Friday, 26 February 2016

Theory on Meningitis - Civic Engagement

Theor on Meninjitus from Lisa Adams

Sacktivism - Argument
This describes actions performed on the internet in support of a political of social cause which requires little effort. It can also be done for the benefit of ones self ego. The examples given in the definition are signing a petition online. Despite the minimal effort signing a online petition has, it can be effective despite the persons reasoning's for signing it. If someone signed the petition to get the meningitis B injection given to older children just to benefit their own personal status, personally, l don't think that matters too much as they're still signing the petition. They've stroll opted for something to change despite their initial interests.
Not everyone has the ability to show support through physical forms of charity or by doing fund raisers, so there needs to be things like online petitions for even the most prevented citizens from helping a cause.

1 comment:

  1. You need to outline whose theory it is your applying. It might be useful to give an overview of his key ideas - include key terms that are linked to the theory too.
